The Guide to Access Instances via NCLient

Step 1

Go to to git or download the tool NCLient.

Refer to README to learn how to get started.

Step 2

  1. To get the Node/Stack information , goto “Experiment” page and press on the name of experiment. Then you will find the detail page of an experiment.


  2. Click on the “Realization” tab on navigation, will show the node/stack information of specific experiment.


Step 3

Go to client_files folder at root directory, to compose your client file according to your metadata of the instance, based on our provided templates. (Deter or OpenStack)

   a. Access to DeterLab Node


  1. Refer to Client-deter.xml template.
  2. For every single node, create a <Node></Node> tab under the <NODES></NODES> tab and then replace 'name', 'ExperimentName','TeamName' and 'vncport'.

    E.g.  for the example of Fig1.
       name = n0
       ExperimentName = Pentest-2
       TeamName = TestNODEissue
       vncport = 5901
       for n0 access.

    If you have more than one node,it works the same except for ‘name’ = n0 for node n0.

   b. Access to OpenStack Stack


  1. Refer to Client-openstack.xml template.
  2. For every single instance, create a <Machine> </Machine> tab under the <VM></VM> tab and then replace ‘name’, ‘Project’, ‘TeamName’ , ‘Domain’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘vncport’ and ‘IP’ of provider adapter.

    E.g.  for the example of Fig2.
       name = MYSTACK1-hello_world-unhdzx32xbra
       Project = ARPDemo
       Domain = Default
       username = <ssh account of the instance>
       password = <ssh password of the instance>
       vncport = 5901
       for MYSTACK1 access.